Author: downloadct

Ooblets For PC

Ooblets is a game about farming and collecting creatures. Epopee addresses Ooblets outrage with declaration on “misinformation and abuse” Development Ooblets developers ‘Rebecca Cordingley’ and ‘Ben Wasser’ notified last week that their long-awaited field life sim Ooblets will be an Epic Games department store monopolized at launch. The message, written by Wasser, was unencumbered and

Unity of Command II For PC

One of the high stems for a strategy game‘s continuation is that It can unconditionally recommend the game over its forerunner. Unity of Command 2 is one of those games. This is a new wargaming quality in every aspect. It has good technicians, a fun campaign construct, and it even looks completely good to boot.

Zombie Army 4: Dead War

The Zombie Army Trilogy is a series of Independent Sniper Elite campaigns where the Nazis are replaced with Zombie Nazis fundamentally the same thing, except there are further of them and they move slower. At the PC Gaming Show yesterday, Rebellion unfolded a fourth game in the series, Zombie Army 4: Dead War, with a

Bus Simulator 18 For PC

Bus Simulator 18 is an amazingly stressful public transportation sim. Almost about every city in the world, buses dutifully transmission citizens back and forward like blood being pumped on all sides of a circulatory system. They’re always be there, always running, always trustworthy, if sometimes be on time. But when you don’t need them you

Phantom Brigade For PC

Phantom Brigade has a new warfare system that lets you look closely into the future. The forthcoming strategy from Brace Yourself Games incorporates turn based planning with actual time action. About The Game Forecasting your enemy’s next move is the key to achievement in any strategy game, so just conceive what an advantage it would

Chivalry 2 for PC

Torn Banner Studios has kicked off a new blog cycles detailing Chivalry 2’s improvement with a retrospective on its predecessor. “This one that we hear nearly all the time, and we verily agree it was our biggest mistake,” writes Piggott. “As time and player experience improved, the combat on Chivalry’s servers start a downward trend

Way to the Woods

Way to the Woods is a gorgeous exploration game. Explore the journey of a deer and fawn as they try to make their way home in an abandoned, post-apocalyptic world. The game will be released for Xbox One and PC someday in 2020. About this game Way to the Woods is a third-person survival and

Super Meat Boy Forever

Super Meat Boy Forever was meant to launch individually on the Epic Games Store this month. But in an announcement issued on Twitter, Team Meat notified that it’ll be pushing the game until “after but not also away from after April 2019”. And it’s for a pretty good proof: the studio wants to eschew punishing

Solar Ash Kingdom

Hyper Light Drifter studio uncloaked its new game, Solar Ash Kingdom. Heart Machine, the indie studio which brought us Hyper Light Drifter, has eventually advertised its follow-up: Solar Ash Kingdom. We’ve got little detail likewise the lovely 3D visuals on expose in the debut trailer, but it bears kind a bit of stylistic symmetry to

The Eternal Cylinder

The Eternal Cylinder is a dreamlike survival game where you nurture aliens Ace Team, the extender behind Zeno Clash and Rock of Ages, is working on another dreamlike, mind-bending game full of oddball critters. The Eternal Cylinder is an open-world survival matter where you’ve got to look after a flock of cute alien beasties called